Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NarrContains the classes and functions that implement a multidimentional array type
 NinterpStruct and functions implementing the interpreter
 NnetLow level network communication: TCP connection management and buffering
 NtzTimezone handling and temporal types and functions depending on timezones
 NvalContains the types that constitute the output of an evaluation by the interpreter
 Cdo_unop< T, R, yy::parser::token::MINUS >
 Cdo_unop< T, R, yy::parser::token::NOT >
 Cdo_unop< T, R, yy::parser::token::PLUS >
 Cdoop< T, U, bool, yy::parser::token::AND >
 Cdoop< T, U, bool, yy::parser::token::AND2 >
 Cdoop< T, U, bool, yy::parser::token::EQ >
 Cdoop< T, U, bool, yy::parser::token::GE >
 Cdoop< T, U, bool, yy::parser::token::GT >
 Cdoop< T, U, bool, yy::parser::token::LE >
 Cdoop< T, U, bool, yy::parser::token::LT >
 Cdoop< T, U, bool, yy::parser::token::NE >
 Cdoop< T, U, bool, yy::parser::token::OR >
 Cdoop< T, U, bool, yy::parser::token::OR2 >
 Cdoop< T, U, R, yy::parser::token::DIV >
 Cdoop< T, U, R, yy::parser::token::MINUS >
 Cdoop< T, U, R, yy::parser::token::MOD >
 Cdoop< T, U, R, yy::parser::token::MUL >
 Cdoop< T, U, R, yy::parser::token::PLUS >
 Cdoop< T, U, R, yy::parser::token::POWER >
 Cdoop_inplace< T, U, yy::parser::token::AND >
 Cdoop_inplace< T, U, yy::parser::token::DIV >
 Cdoop_inplace< T, U, yy::parser::token::MINUS >
 Cdoop_inplace< T, U, yy::parser::token::MOD >
 Cdoop_inplace< T, U, yy::parser::token::MUL >
 Cdoop_inplace< T, U, yy::parser::token::OR >
 Cdoop_inplace< T, U, yy::parser::token::PLUS >
 Cdoop_inplace< T, U, yy::parser::token::POWER >
 Cdoop_inplace_prd< T, U, yy::parser::token::MINUS >
 Cdoop_inplace_prd< T, U, yy::parser::token::PLUS >
 Cdoop_prd< T, U, R, yy::parser::token::MINUS >
 Cdoop_prd< T, U, R, yy::parser::token::PLUS >
 CFromChar< arr::zstring >
 CFromChar< bool >
 CFromChar< double >
 CFromChar< Global::dtime >
 CNANF< double >
 Cset_wrapper_idxFairly similar to its non-idx counterpart, except that we return a list of idx vectors:
 CToChar< arr::zstring >
 CToChar< bool >
 CToChar< double >
 CToChar< Global::dtime >
 Cunop_inplace< T, yy::parser::token::MINUS >
 Cunop_inplace< T, yy::parser::token::NOT >
 Cunop_inplace< T, yy::parser::token::PLUS >