Todo List
Member net::NetHandler::NetHandler (const std::string ip_addr, int port_p, int data_out_fd, int signalling_out_fd, size_t datalist_max_size=1e5, size_t siglist_max_size=10)
figure out what TCP params we need and add them to the options setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &one, sizeof(one)); set up keepalive? http://tldp.org/HOWTO/TCP-Keepalive-HOWTO/programming.html
Member zcore::MsgHandler::MsgHandler (net::NetHandler &com_p, interp::shpfrm &global_p, int fd_read_data_p, int fd_read_sig_p, int fd_input_p=STDIN_FILENO, bool once_p=false, const std::string &initialCode="")
it's OK; at some point we can try to see if we can
Member zcore::MsgHandler::run ()
it's OK; at some point we can try to see if we can limit the cases where we can't get location info...